Thursday, February 4, 2010

coming soon!

just wanted to give a little preview of what's about to debut in my etsy shop! i'm expanding my line, and branching out into wearables! i've already listed an awesome american apparel jersey scarf. it's been printed in an all-over circle paisley design.

[click on the photo to be taken to the listing in my shop!]

and now.. this is what i'm even more excited about. all the supplies are on their way from dharma trading co. i'll be turning this popular print of mine:

into this!

look for it in the shop starting next week! if you'd like to pre-order one, just let me know your size! have a great day, everybody!



  1. lovely design on the scarf. i do love grey and black!

  2. Love the scarf and love your other items you create! I have become fascinated with etsy! I love discovering all these wonderful creative people that would have otherwise been hard for me to find!


    S.S. Dobbs

  3. love the scarf and your shop is so cute!


i'd absolutely love to know what you think! :)