Friday, February 26, 2010

hair issues.

i think i'm in a try-new-things phase. i'm a little bored with my current wardrobe, and mostly with my hair. two years ago at this time, i was in the process of growing it out to cut off and donate to pantene's beautiful lengths program. since then, i've kept it fairly short, but sometimes i just can't figure out what to do with it! loose, beautiful braids seem to be the newest thing and when i have some time (and nowhere to go!), i'm going to do some serious experimenting.


  1. that makes two of us bored with hair & wardrobe. definitely liking the bottom hair style, but I think I'd need about 4 more inches to do it.

    and probably a stylist to help me out. (unfortunately, I didn't get the hair styling gene...)

  2. Oh nice. I get bored (and frustrated) with my hair fairly easily too. I do like the style idea, though. Braids are a nice way to change things up. :)

  3. yep, i think mine needs to grow a little more too..
    and i should probably learn to french braid..

    i've always loved braids, i'm just terrible at it, ha!


i'd absolutely love to know what you think! :)