Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sneak peek.

happy tuesday!

just wanted to give y'all a sneak peek of what's coming up in my etsy shop this week! i got some new screens burned and i'll be printing the designs on american apparel tees [chocolate brown] and bright spring-colored jersey scarves [baby blue, sunshine yellow, and lavender].

first up, a retro boombox line drawing. i'm imagining this in bronze ink on the chocolate brown tees.

second, a cute, whimsical sun and clouds repeating pattern. this will probably get printed on the yellow and blue scarves. bronze and white ink, respectively.

and third, another pattern-type design. a little more sophisticated and elegant.. gingko leaves. i haven't quite figured out the colors for this one yet.

so there you have it! a little sneak peek into what this week brings to letterhappy! let me know what you think!

tomorrow's my day to guest post over at indie icing, so look for my feature some time before noon! have a great night, everyone!


  1. I would like the ginko leaves on a pale lilac t shirt with a shallow scoop neck and 3/4 length sleeves. Does that work for you?


  2. i'll keep you updated when the ginkgo design makes it onto a tee!


i'd absolutely love to know what you think! :)